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- Download Launch Gta 4 Exe File Download
The file LAUNCHGTAIV.EXE is identified as a virus dropper.
The dropper LAUNCHGTAIV.EXE is used for downloading and installing other malware, Trojans, viruses by the commands received from the Command Center.
The file LAUNCHGTAIV.EXE loads into the computer memory and tries to connect to the dangerous web site.
Usually the LAUNCHGTAIV.EXE dropper does not infect the files on the computer and does not replicate itself on other computers.
Kill the LAUNCHGTAIV.EXE process and delete the file LAUNCHGTAIV.EXE.
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Malware Analysis of LAUNCHGTAIV.EXE
Full path on a computer: %TEMP%LAUNCHGTAIV.EXE
Detected by UnHackMe:
Default location: %TEMP%LAUNCHGTAIV.EXE
Removal Results: Success
Number of reboot: 1
Download Gta 4 Launcher Exe
LAUNCHGTAIV.EXE is known as:
Trojan Generic
Will you remove it?
People say
- MD5: 3E9B3DC03CD5C2E658DD731B616FDCF1
- %TEMP%1911.DLL
STEP 1: Download UnHackMe for free
UnHackMe removes Adware/Spyware/Unwanted Programs/Browser Hijackers/Search Redirectors from your PC easily. UnHackMe is compatible with most antivirus software.
UnHackMe is 100% CLEAN, which means it does not contain any form of malware, including adware, spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors. VirusTotal (0/56).
System Requirements: Windows 2000-Windows 8.1/10 32 or 64-bit. UnHackMe uses minimum of computer resources.
STEP 2: Double click on UnHackMe_setup.exe
You will see a confirmation screen with verified publisher: Greatis Software.Download Launch Gta 4 Exe File Download
Once UnHackMe has installed the first Scan will start automatically
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STEP 3: Carefully review the detected threats!
ClickDownload Launch Gta 4 Exe File Download
Remove button or False Positive.Enjoy!
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